
Donate old eyeglasses or hearing aids

August 10, 2023

Where can I donate my old eye glasses or hearing aids?
Thank you for your offer to donate. It is only through kindness of donors like you that we can offer the gift of sight or sound to those in need.
 Hearing Aids:

If you want to donate one or more hearing aids go to GIVE AN AID - Hearing Aid Project ~ (


There are few option for donating eyeglasses.
Lions Clubs International has a partnership with the Walmart Corporation. You can deposit your eyeglasses at any participating Walmart Vision Center. The collection boxes are usually near the Vision Center entrance. Each month their staff freights collected glasses to the nearest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center. Use to find Centers near you.

Some local Lions clubs collect eyeglasses. To contact a Lions club in your community to find out if they collect eyeglasses, please use

With the Club Locator there are two ways to search for clubs:

“Keyword” search allows users to type in a club name or a partial address, and will yield results that match your search term exactly. This is great if you want to find a particular club by name or find all the clubs in your city or country, for example.

“Location” search is powered by Google Maps, and it allows users to find all the clubs nearby a particular location. A search by town name may yield several results because it will approximate the location of the town on a map and search for all the clubs within a certain radius of that location. This is a powerful way to search if you want to find clubs near your home address.
Once you've located a club, click the envelop icon to send a message to the club.

If you are unable to find a local Walmart or local Lions Club you can mail your eyeglasses or unopened contact lenses to the nearest Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Center (LERC). To find the nearest LERC